Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD)
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimate that up to 1% of pharmaceutical products in industrialised countries are counterfeit/falsified medicines. The Falsified Medicines Directive is a collaboration of Government, pharmaceutical manufacturers, GPs and other health professionals [...]
Malaria outbreak in Colombia
There are reports on Fitfortravel the NHS travel website of a malaria outbreak on the Pacific coast of Cauca Province, Colombia, South Ameria. The outbreak has affected 322 people in the rural areas of Guapi [...]
Cruise Holidays and health
Image courtesy of Royal Caribbean International https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruise-ships Cruises are growing in popularity, covering a few day or weeks or longer. Cruise populations are generally older than the normal UK population. As a result both the [...]
Planning a Gap year?
It's an exciting time planning a Gap Year but being prepared can make sure that your trip is the best and the safest it can be. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have put together a [...]
UK Flu levels on 17/1/19- Low
The latest Public Health England (PHE) report published on 17 January 2019, shows that seasonal flu is circulating in the community but remains at low levels. The statistics show that over the last week, GP consultations with flu-like [...]
China and Bird Flu
Human cases of avian (bird) flu continue to be reported in China and visitors should avoid exposure to wild birds and poultry. Public Health England offer the following advice. For more information go to https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england [...]